25th October
I am just 5 weeks in which means I have had a full cycle whilst taking my hormones.
As an avid tracker I sat down and looked at my last month and symptoms and compared them to this month.
Here is what I found.
I had a lighter period – I didn’t have a flood day
I didn’t rage at all this month
I didn’t have any breast pain or lumpy boobs
My anxiety has been better – not perfect but better
I am stronger – I seem to have more strength in the gym
Better mood overall with some spark back
No crying outbursts
I have had no negatives at all so far
It's still early days.
Here is what it has not helped yet
My sleep
I still had some down days – although not as bad
Did you know that during the start of Peri (me) your estrogen increases and its progesterone that declines. It’s the progesterone that is known as the calming hormone because it has a mildly sedative and anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effect on the body, which promotes sleep. Progesterone stimulates the brain to produce a calming neurotransmitter called GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). This makes sense and is inline with my symptoms.
I take a progesterone pill at night and I am not seeing much change in my sleep quality, maybe I need a higher dose? I will speak to my consultant when I have a review. Also, studies show that increased levels of progesterone you experience in the luteal phase of your menstrual cycle is usually accompanied by lower levels of aggression, irritability, and fatigue. This can explain me feeling less rage and irritability.
See this diagram below.

Estrodial is a slow decline over time but can spike at the beginning of Peri causing things like heavy periods and sore boobs! This was/is me!
That is new information to me. I thought it was always about the Estrogen declining but it’s mainly the progesterone, at my stage anyway.
Always learning!!